Some time ago, whilst channel surfing, I ran across a show that made me screech to a halt. Stop dead in my track. Wipe my eyes. Sit up and take notice.
After I closed my jaw, I discovered that MTV has this heinous little program called "
My Super Sweet Sixteen" (MSS16). It is the ultimate manifestation of stupidity, greed, and avarice. How any parent on earth would allow the filming of such a spectacle is beyond me, because ultimately it reflects on their piss-poor parenting. The show documents the 15 year old children of wealthy folks living in the US as they plan for and then have their Sweet Sixteen birthday bash. Thank GOD nothing like this existed during my youth.
If you haven't ever seen this show, go to the TV.com site for
My Super Sweet Sixteen and click on any episode. You'll be disgusted, but you wont be able to keep from watching the train wreck that is the wealthy youth in America, as raised during the Bush Administration.
Okay now that I am done with my near-rant, you should know the real reason for this post.
MTV has created a little pay back for the kids who we came to know and hate in MSS16. The new series is called "
EXILED" and it takes the spoiled brats and drops them in the middle of nowhere to get a taste of real life for people less fortunate than them. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to see if a dose of tough love and reality couldnt change their lives. I sure hope so.
Check it out.