I haven't even bothered trying to watch FAUX News and Bill O'Reilly for years now. Why you ask? Because when I did stop the dial and watch I had an immediate and negative visceral reaction which resulted in me screaming at the television screen. Not pretty.
I've stayed away from anything FAUX because my psyche is harmed by it. Because Bill is so wrong it is painful. He does not live in reality. In my opinion, Bill has been/still is personally so harmful to America. He perpetuates partisanship. His "show" is hate filled. He treats people with such utter contempt that seeing his attacks have actually made me flinch. I think he's weird and sexually repressed (what with sexual harassment, the whole loofah incident, etc.), and ultimately he represents to me almost everything that is wrong in this world.
So, imagine my "surprise" that some enterprising young media researchers published "VILLAINS, VICTIMS AND THE VIRTUOUS IN BILL O’REILLY'S "NO-SPIN ZONE".
Among other things, the media researchers at Indiana University found that:
...Fox News host Bill O’Reilly calls "a person or a group a derogatory name once every 6.8 seconds, on average, or nearly nine times every minute during the editorials that open his program each night."
All you have to do is see him in action to understand why and how it is that extremist hate groups (skin-heads, Ku Klux Klan, neo-nazi, etc.) are again on the rise after almost disappearing in the 1990's. Between O'Reilly's and the Coultergeist's hate-filled spewings being aired and revered by the rightwing and religious extremeists, it's enough to fertilize and legitimize other hate groups and support targeting and intolerance (immigrants, gays, women, Jews, people of color, democrats, etc.).
Read the study, it's a doozy! This new information, in conjunction with Pew Research Center study showing that FAUX News viewers are the least informed segment of the U.S. population; and given Bill Moyer's Journal "Buying The War" provides ample and mounting evidence of the incompetence and harm FAUX and it's "journalists" have caused America and the world.
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