Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RNC: My Initial Thoughts

I am watching Fred Thompson's speech.

How very interesting. The only person of color I can see in the entire audience is McCain's adopted daughter.

How very, very interesting. It appears that Repubs just LOVE a good war story. Lot's of guts, lots of "gory".

Another observation: Below is some text from Thompson's speech...

"...Expecting him to die, his captors placed him in a cell with two other POWs who also expected him to die. But with their help, John McCain fought on. He persevered.

So then they put him in solitary confinement...for over two years. Isolation ... incredible heat beating on a tin roof. A light bulb in his cell burning 24 hours a day.

Boarded-up cell windows blocking any breath of fresh air. The oppressive heat causing boils the size of baseballs under his arms. The outside world limited to what he could see through a crack in a door.

The guards cracked ribs, broke teeth off at the gums. They cinched a rope around his arms and painfully drew his shoulders back.

Over four days, every two to three hours, the beatings resumed. During one especially fierce beating, he fell, again breaking his arm.

John was beaten for communicating with other prisoners. He was beaten for NOT communicating with so-called "peace delegations." He was beaten for not giving information during interrogations.

What strikes me most is this: According to the Bush/Cheney administration's definition of torture - McCain was not tortured.

What the Bush/Cheney Administration says is:

What investigators say is:

Olbermann and Turley discussion about Bush gutting the Geneva Convention:

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