I have been thinking for the past 20 or so hours. I honestly did not know if I would (or should) post my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs -- and frankly I needed time to process.
This is the deal. I am one of the people that saw, in real time, Republican Congressional Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Hardball with Chris Matthews.
It goes without saying that I was literally in SHOCK. Yes, my jaw had dropped open. My Pulse excelerated. I sat forward in my chair. Where typically I have the where-with-all to scream at the TV (like during debates) in this instance I was, and have remained, almost speechless.
What does it mean that an honest-to-god Congressperson actually BELIEVES the lies? It was so clear that this was not simply more election-year spin. Rest assured that John McCain does not believe his own lies - he's merely sold his soul to "WIN" and will say, and do, or approve anything to win.
At the end of the day, for me, the most important question that has emerged is this:
What kind of political ideological "indoctrination" (or brainwashing) must occur for an otherwise normal person to develop, hold and repeat (with pride) such an extremeist opinion? Do the republican's have their own version of the medrasa wherein gullible new politicians are schooled in the new American Fascism?
If Michelle Bachmann is NOT insane, just what in the hell are Republican leaders teaching folks? Where are people such as this Congressperson receiving what they believe to be correct information? Who are the issue and belief framers? And why don't Republicans who see what's happening stop it? Why don't they step forward and REPUDIATE wingnuts like this?
Regardless of who is elected President on November 4, 2008 -- I fear that there may be no way to become a "united" United States. Why?
If God forbid John McCain is elected, the Presidency will have (again) been "won" by a man I believe to be a lying criminal without an ounce of integrity. How am I (and tens upon tens of millions of other citizens) supposed to overcome the lies and heinous tactics McCain has approved and employed during his campaign? How are we now supposed to respect him? How on earth are we supposed to respect those people that voted for him and that have ruined America? How are we supposed to respect what American has become?
And if Barack Obama is elected, the Presidency will have been won by a great man and leader offering hope for a new day. However, he will be wrongfully dispised, mistrusted and openly reviled by the likes of the Michele Bachmann's and other racists who actually BELIEVE the politicians who villify him daily - not because its true - but because they're trying to "WIN" an election in such a dirty way.
And precisely because the Michelle Bachmann's, Sarah Palin's, Joe Plumber's, and other's you see on video in my posts are TOTALLY FUCKING CRAZY LEMMINGS WITHOUT AN OUNCE OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS they don't know they're being lied to. The are true believers. They are wingnuts. And they may do violence to an innocent man.
I don't know, it's all so horrifying. I still need to process this.