My gut is telling me that Republicans have irresponsibly ratcheted up the otherwise "typical" hate talk they're already so famous for. I am seeing signs in traditional and other media of people being incited to near-violence at McCain-Palin campaign events.
Their actions and words, in conjunction with the energy of the time, the stress of the economic crisis, the emotion of the election, the relentless negativity of the right-wing radio/TV personalities is building to a crescendo - that I fear may result in actual violence and harm against Barack Obama or his family or supporters.
Can they see the harm they do? Do they even care? Can they see how the less mentally stable among their herd might spinning beyond all reason? What will be their individual justifications, or defenses, be if the unthinkable should happen? Will they disclaim all responsibility? Will they own their hate, their racism, their sexism?
May there be PEACE in our time.
If you've not already done so, PLEASE watch the below, it addresses the issue of how and why Republicans incite fear and loathing, and who among their ilk are vulnerable to the visceral impact of their hateful speech, false words, and dispicable actions.
Bill Moyers Journal (PBS): http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/09122008/watch.html
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