However, if you are a woman (or know a woman) who is all wrapped up in her hair (and I do not mean Lady Godiva or Rapunzel), gives a shit about how she looks, and has contemplated what hair represents about self-image, sexuality, society, convention, etc. - you'll know that this topic is not trivial by a long shot.
The new year is almost here. I've been thinking quite a lot about what I'd like to accomplish. For most of my adult life I did not bother making new years resolutions. Why? I don't know.
But now, I am experimenting with ways that I can use the new year's resolution process to my advantage. To do things I should be doing otherwise but have been to.... lazy or preoccupied to get a handle on.
I've written this great long list of resolutions - 10 in all - that run the gammut of exercising frequently again to well... never mind. From what I understand, most people only make one big resolution. However, if you knew me you'd know that one is rarely enough.
I've gotten creative in my resolution-making. The craziest resolution involves my hair. And it's a year-long project.
You can see my picture below. I look normal, no crazy hair style or color. Unfortunately, that's always been the case for me and it's really starting to bug me. I've just started getting grey hairs, and I unless I take drastic action, I may be the only woman in the world who goes from cradle to grave never having done something extreme with her hair. And I can't have that.
So, my crazy hair resolution is this: Spend one year doing wacky hair experimentation.
Below is what I envision:
1. I will find a color specialist to make me a redhead! Woo hoo! I will let my personality be fiery! (I've never been compelled by red hair so I reserve the right to skip straight to #2 - I just picked red as the first step since it's "on the way" to blond.)
2. Then I will go blond. I want my hair to look like my parents are swedish, or finnish, or danish, or icelandic, or norweigan, or.... okay, let's just say scandinavian. I should then be able to speak with some authority about whether blonds actually do have more fun.
3. After that, I am quite sure my abused locks will be completely ruined, straw-like and maybe even breaking off in clumps, so I will begin cut my hair into a series of progressively shorter hair styles. I imagine that with shorter hair, I will be able to finally begin using potentially fun hair products - like pomades, hair glues, straighteners, gels, mousse, spritzers, sprayers, lotions, creams, foams, etc.

5. Also, I'll be free to try two-tone dyed hair.
6. Finally, after I have done every crazy hair experiment I have ever heard of, I will cut my hair into a pixie cut, removing all the dead hair and color and allow my natural hair (and grey) to re-emerge and get long again.

At dinner last night my son Nicholas mentioned that crazy hair might negatively impact my professional life. Business in other words. I will be considering his concerns and will make a final decision about my year-long crazy hair experiment resolution some time soon. Rest assured that should I decide to do this thing I will generate photographic proof blog about it.
I realize this is a very unusual new years resolution - but is it crazy or what? And, do you think that it will negatively impact my credibility and/or business?
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