You're looking at the only job in the world more dangerous than Nancy Pelosi's right now.
The democrats have been in charge of both houses for a couple of days. Bush is being a complete dick, anyone who believes one word out of that liars mouth about his bipartisan actions should - I don't know - maybe hold up targets for some army's firearms practice.
Evidently, the traditional media is still taking talking points from the GOP and White House, and republicans are beginning to harp, as though they have ANY credibility left.
Hey guys - Nancy's seat is not even warm yet. What say you give her and your democrat colleagues some time? After how badly you've fucked up the WORLD it's going to take a little time to take our damn county back from your disastrous combination of negligence and harmful acts.
Not inclined to help? Fine, if you don't want to be an honorable part of the solution then get out of the way. We're moving forward, and America's got Nancy's and the democrats back on this one.
I get so pissed off.
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