It's Friday April 13th, and believe it or not I had bad luck today. Let me explain.
First, I want to preface this post by saying that I have NEVER put stock in superstition, especially that any Friday the 13th is bad luck. In fact, I've found quite the opposite - that typically it means I usually have a pretty good day.
So, anyone who's half conscious knows that the winds howled gale force last night and into this morning. I live in a pretty wooded area, so it doesn't take much wind to knock out electical power in my neck of the... well.... woods (ahem)
Last night was no exception to the "mild wind = no power" equation at work in my world. Except that the winds were exceptionally strong.
Usually it's no big deal. I have a drawer full of candles, an big red flame-throwing lighter do-hickey, and have recently become enamoured of the new cheap L.E.D. light sources (they run off a small battery for like 100,000 hours).
I was lulled to sleep, in the dark of night, without power, by the sound of howling winds (which I love, along with the sound of rain).
I was rudely awakened when my french doors blew open at some ungodly hour. It was so windy that I had to prop them closed by wedging my table against them (evidently the male door knob thingly doesn't fit properly into the female door jamb orifice, which prevents a proper tight fit, and thusly results in a, ahhhh, "unsatisfactory closure" as it were). (it's been a challenge making this paragraph vaguely sexual - the stupid things I do to amuse myself should be embarrasing)(forgive me)
Okay, so pitch black night, check. No electricity, check. Blown open door, check. Proped table, check. Howling wind, check. Crash? Did I just hear a crash? What in the HELL was that crash? I check out the bedroom window, nothing. I check out the kitchen window, nothing. (I don't dare look out the kitchen door, but that's another story.) I can't see anything amiss, so it's back to bed for me.
I wake this morning and the electricity has only just come back on. Coffee is delicious, it looks like one tree has been uprooted... and what's that? The neighbors metal and canvas gazebo appears to have flown out of their yard and landed on........ ......... ....... my fucking car.
I don't believe it. It's landed on MY FUCKING CAR. There's a wrought iron gazebo on my car. Oh. And, it's Friday the 13th.
Two dents to the roof aint half bad - god I feel lucky!
I wanted you to know that I am working on several different posts, which have been delayed due to my impending participation in a wedding on Saturday. Sunday will be the multiple post day - lot's of new stuff...... !
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