Hello everyone:
I ran across a British opinion piece published in The Guardian by Geoffrey Wheatcroft. The sentiment he expresses could be my own, so I’ve taken his words, pared them down, shaken them up, twisted the perspective, inserted my own opinion -- and voila – created my own editorial.
Now and again people have found themselves in places where the course of history was dramatically changed: Paris in 1789, Petrograd in 1917, Berlin in 1989. The US at present is beginning to experience an overwhelming sensation of drastic impending change.
Along with the collapse of Bush's authority, Americans are revolting against the great disaster in Iraq and have finally recognized the hubristic, impenitent arrogance, greed and criminality of the people who have been guiding America's destiny for the past six years. What one senses so acutely are the conditions building for a political perfect storm, which will engulf and destroy the whole neoconservative project.
For those Americans who, in defense of their voting for Bush and other Republicans who have so harmed America, still support Bush – they do so with a defiance worthy of a better cause.
The intractable Bush supporters are masters of one thing and one thing only – detachment from reality and contempt for the rest of civilized humanity whom they now attack as “defeatist”.
It has been said some neocons may now wish for tragic acts of terror to occur on American soil – an attack being the only event that might provide vindication for their acts and activities. You can tell who these neocons are -- their mantra being "History will be the judge", while secretly planning their "I told you so" moment about GW and neoconservatism for after such an incident.
Most certainly because of the illegality and lies which propelled us into the "War on Terror" (read: Iraq) the US now more than ever is in the crosshairs of extremists and terrorists both worldwide and homegrown. It's simply a matter of time and degree, neoconservatism or not, that a US attack will occur.
However, the slumbering giant that is the American people has finally awakened. The Congressional and Senate investigative bodies are finally able to perform oversight and demand accountability. The traditional media spinmeisters and Administration mouthpieces are finally being subject to factchecking. And even America's captains of industry notice the scent of change in the air.
All the readings on the barometer and the wind gauge say the same thing. The perfect storm is gathering. Unfortunately the collapse of the neocon project comes at a very heavy cost, not only to the people of Iraq but to all of us.
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