Ouch, this one is painful to read. It's even more difficult because it came from another "girl".
"Dear Miss Ford,
Your letter of recent date has been received in the Inking and Printing Department for reply.
Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that work is performed entirely by young men. For this reason, girls are not considered for the training school.
The only work open to women is tracing the characters on clear celluloid sheets with India ink and filling in the tracings on the reverse side with paint according to directions.
In order to apply for a position as an "Inker" or "Painter" it is necessary that one appear at the studios, bringing samples of pen and ink and water color work. It would not be adviseable to come to Hollywood with the above specifically in view, as there really are very few openings in comparison with the number of girls who apply."
It's pretty great letterhead, however. They sure don't make them like that anymore!
(again, thanks to Boing Boing for directing us to sim sandwich)
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