Monday, July 2, 2007

BUSH: Communtes Libby Sentence

Remember when Bush said that he'd prosecute to the fullest extent anyone who outed Undercover CIA Agent Valarie Plame?

In case you forgot, here's the video:

Well, today will live in the annals of history as the day an American president told the citizens of the United States of America.... we can go fuck ourselves.

Do you know what Bush is? This is what Bush is...

Bush communted Scooter Libby's prison sentence. A pardon. And you know what? This is exactly what he plans on doing for Gonzales, Rumsfeld, Cheney and the whole lot of criminals who run this county. What a sin. What an awful, awful, awful, awful man.

That's why we've got to impeach him and Cheney now, so justice can be served.

What's happened to my country?

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